Mounted propane locker

My original idea to glass in the locker wasn’t good: realized I may need access in the stern area behind it so ideally it would be removable. Adjusted the plan and mounted it with fasteners. Hid 2 of them under the hinges. Also added the drain hose (and new thru hull). Did a dry fit of the lid and added spring to hold it in place. Also did a small cut to make the lock work. Turning out exactly as I envisioned it. Can’t wait to see it painted and finished.

Redo: stern thru-hulls

Just as I thought I was done with thru-hulls, I got expert advise that they needed to be redone before boat goes back into water. One of them was on uneven surface and sealant around it was questionable. I ignored it thinking that they are above waterline anyway and what I ended up with would be sufficient; however, with changes in weight distribution due to new electric engine/batteries and without the mast the stern may very well be under water and these thru-hulls could get compromised.  I ended up making 3 new pads for them (reused a hatch from a racing boat that was being taking to dumpster) and re-bedding them. Now we are ready for anything.