Teak and finish started showing signs of wear so I sewed a small cover for the port-side pukka.

1971 Newport 30 Sailboat
Finally got some time to spend on canvas work. With El NiƱo winter approaching, I better have the entrance (and teak) protected from the elements. The idea is to use the Sailrite tutorial as baseline but modify it to have flaps around my teak boards + add top part + add a pocket at the bottom for sandbags so this cover can hang well when fastened from the inside.
Moved on to the more complicated project: mainsail cover. The Sailrite kit and the video were very useful. Took a bit of time with some mistakes and learnings but overall it came out great.
With a kit from Sailrite, I’ve made 4 winch covers with chokers. My first ever sewing project! Turned out OK… with a few mistakes