Trimmed head door and dry fit lock

After I rebuilt all the panels, I haven’t yet tried to put the door back. Surely, it did not fit. Had to trim both sides of the door and make a small lip to hide the hinge. I was also lucky to find the original door handle and lock, which I installed into the new slimmer door. Will need to hide old hole with some small teak bangs.

First test of the plumbing

Performed the first test of the pluming by connecting a hose to the city water inlet. Almost everything worked just fine. So awesome to have faucets in the galley and head working! A few leaks showed up but I think all of them can be fixed with adding plumbers tape. Off to a good start!

Holding tank cover

With help from my friend Victor, we bent and tapped aluminum brackets and fitted new holding tank cover panel. Thumb screws will allow easy access to the Y-valve and seacocks under the sink.