Non-skid touch up

Touched up non-skid in a few places. I think I’m done with exterior paint for some time now. Not that it’s perfect but I think it is good enough 🙂

Propane locker DONE

With paint dry, the propane locker lid was put together and installed. Connected all the hoses, and tested for leaks. Put in the propane tank. The only remaining TODO is a strap to secure the tank in place.

And this is what this looked liked when I started over a month ago (just for reference)

Saloon table dry fit

Tested position for the saloon table leg. Not epoxied in yet, just a dry-fit. The teak base needs a bit of adjustment to work with the curvature of the hull before I can glue it in.

Time for paint

With primer dry, it was time to paint the bow repair and the new propane locker. Got better weather than yesterday. Still a bit windy but manageable for spraying. Ended up with a few runs anyway, impossible to avoid in conditions like these.

Bow damage repair, masking, primer

In prep for paint, filled in storm-damaged areas of the bow, masked all places, and sprayed primer. It was really blowing in the marina so I had to get creative to be able to spray an even coat. Tuned out OK with just a few trouble spots to send out.