New Prop Arrived!
The new shiny 12-10 prop by Michigan Wheel have just arrived! Thank you, General Propeller Co for shipping it so fast.

Starting on bulkheads
Plywood for bulkheads
Picked up 2 sheets of 4×8 Hydro-tek plywood from McBeath today. It’s a bit pink for the bulkheads look I’m after but I’m planning to bleach it with Lite-n-Up.

Mast work has started
Started work on the mast – most of the hardware is gone now and masthead has been cut off so it can be replaced with a new one that has shivs that work with rope vs. wire.
Replacement portlights
Located supplier of replacement port lights with plastic trim – Beckson. Incidentally, the model is called “Newport”.
The electric engine is here
The new QT10 electric engine from Electric Yacht has arrived today. Despite “signature required”, FedEx just dumped the $4.5K package in the corner of the boat yard and left. No phone call, no signature, nothing! Just an email that it has been “delivered”.
After almost an hour of searching, the package was finally located and dragged to the boat.
Located a local supplier of the rubrail for Newports – Seals Spars & Rigging. Ordered a new one but it’s going to take over a month to get done.
End of destruction, start of construction
First coat of primer
Finished prep of topsides and sprayed first coat of primer so it’s easier to detect additional surface defects that need to be addressed.