1971 Newport 30 Sailboat
Designed the fresh water system with a few key components:
The goal is to get most of this under the head sink so the space will be pretty tight and new shelf would need to be built to support the water heater. Will be super fun to get that all installed, connected, and working.
Well, today was the day that my Raymarine instruments were finally working. It’s hard to believe that I ordered that set in April of 2014, installed it in 2018, and connected it all together just 8 short years later – TODAY!!! For 4 years, that masttop spinner was measuring wind speed for no reason at all and just today it was finally shown on the display.
Added a few additional 15A toggles to the DC panel and used one of them to wire in several of the interior cabin lights. One went up over chart table and another in the galley. The lights were from Amazon and ended up looking pretty cool – with a white/red toggle, long flexible neck, and a USB outlet in the base.